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Légendes çivaïtes de Kāñcipuram : Analyse de textes et iconographie
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1964 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Institut Français de Pondichéry,

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Heilige und Heiden im legendarischen Erzählen des 13. Jahrhunderts : Formen und Funktionen der Aushandlung des religiösen Gegensatzes zum Heidentum
Year: 2021 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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Formen und Funktionen des legendarischen Erzählens rücken in den letzten Jahren verstärkt in den Fokus der mediävistischen Forschung, wobei zumeist die Figur des oder der Heiligen im Zentrum steht. Nicht systematisch untersucht worden ist hingegen der Umstand, dass das Erzählen von Heiligen sich häufig mit dem Heidentum auseinandersetzt und viele Heilige gerade durch diese Auseinandersetzung ihr charakteristisches Profil gewinnen. Diese Lücke füllt die vorliegende Arbeit, wenn sie anhand eines breiten Korpus von lateinischen und volkssprachigen Legenden des 13. Jahrhunderts (vor allem aus ›Legenda aurea‹ und ›Passional‹, dazu etliche Einzellegenden auch aus dem höfischen Kontext) nach dem Zusammenhang von christlichen Heiligkeitsmodellen und der Aushandlung des religiösen Gegensatzes zum Heidentum fragt. Martyrium, Krieg und Konversion erweisen sich dabei als grundlegende Formen narrativer wie diskursiver Selbstvergewisserung des Christentums, die im kulturgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang der Kreuzzüge sowie der Neubegründung der Mission eine spezifische Aktualisierung erfahren - ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Bedeutung legendarischer Texte für die christliche Identitätsbildung und die religiöse Kultur des Mittelalters.

The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World
Year: 1988 Publisher: Indiana University Press

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Bohlman examines folk music as a genre of folklore from a broadly cross-cultural perspective. His study espouses a more expansive view of folk music, a view stressing the vitality of folk music in non-Western cultures as well as Western, in the present as well as the past. A wide range of examples—especially from the Middle East and American ethnic communities—illustrates the sheer richness of folk music in the twentieth century. A reconsideration of the folk musician as an agent of creativity underscores the book's assertion that folk music is not a disappearing genre, but rather an expressive behavior intrinsically part of the modern world.

O povo português I : nos seus costumes, crenças e tradições
Year: 1985 Publisher: Lisboa : Etnográfica Press,

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Depois de ter recuperado para o nosso património vivo obras tão importantes como História do Fado, de Pinto de Carvalho (Tinop), Através dos Campos, de José da Silva Picão, Da Prostituição na Cidade de Lisboa, de Francisco Ignacio dos Santos Cruz, e Contos Populares Portugueses, de Adolfo Coelho, a colecção "Portugal de Perto" orgulha-se de poder agora oferecer aos seus leitores aquela que tem sido considerada a primeira grande obra de conjunto da etnografia portuguesa: O Povo Português nos Seus Costumes, Crenças e Tradições, de Teófilo Braga, publicada em dois volumes em 1885. Como refere Jorge Freitas Branco no esclarecedor prefácio que para esta edição escreveu, volvidos que são cem anos sobre a sua publicação, "não perdeu qualquer interesse relembrá-la pela reedição, rever nela as ideias oitocentistas com o distanciamento crítico do tempo percorrido, repensar a seu propósito o quadro de desenvolvimento de ramos do conhecimento científico em Portugal ... e, finalmente, facilitar ao público o acesso a um texto cheio de pormenores dum quotidiano para muitos de nós ainda não completamente votado ao esquecimento". Dada a extensão da obra, manteve-se na presente reedição a divisão em dois volumes a que obedeceu a edição original de 1885.

Les survivances et l'environnement mythologiques dans le département des Deux-Sèvres
ISBN: 2902170165 Year: 1980 Publisher: Poitiers Brissaud

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Art and mythology --- Geology --- Legends --- Folklore

Jewish Poland : legends of origin : ethnopoetics and legendary chronicles
ISBN: 0814343929 0814343910 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wayne State University Press

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The first appearance of Jews in Poland and their adventures during their early years of settlement in the country are concealed in undocumented shadows of history. What survived are legends of origin that early chroniclers, historians, writers, and folklore scholars transcribed, thus contributing to their preservation. According to the legendary chronicles Jews resided in Poland for a millennium and developed a vibrant community. Haya Bar-Itzhak examines the legends of origin of the Jews of Poland and discloses how the community creates its own chronicle, how it structures and consolidates its identity through stories about its founding, and how this identity varies from age to age. Bar-Itzhak also examines what happened to these legends after the extermination of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust, when the human space they describe no longer exists except in memory. For the Polish Jews after the Holocaust, the legends of origin undergo a fascinating transformation into legends of destruction.Jewish Poland-Legends of Origin brings to light the more obscure legends of origin as well as those already well known. This book will be of interest to scholars in folklore studies as well as to scholars of Judaic history and culture.

Turnhout Terminus Turnhout Centraal : [tentoonstelling, Turnhout, Taxandriamuseum, van 17 maart tot 31 oktober 2012
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9789056220686 Year: 2012 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols

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La quête du Saint Graal et la mort d'Arthur
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2843100844 9782843100840 2843103924 Year: 2006 Volume: *8 Publisher: Grenoble ELLUG

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La Quête du Saint Graal et la mort d’Arthur dans sa version castillane (Demanda del Sancto Grial) marque l’aboutissement de trois siècles de littérature arthurienne (xiii-xve siècle). Elle utilise des modèles français qu’elle réécrit et transforme par l’intermédiaire d’une version portugaise qui, vers la fin du xiiie siècle, avait déjà servi de relais littéraire entre la France et la péninsule Ibérique. Voici, pour la première fois traduite en français, la version intégrale de ce texte important de la littérature hispanique et européenne attribuée au moine Juan Vivas. L’œuvre donnée ici dans sa version du xve siècle est parcourue de tensions extrêmes entre mysticisme et esprit profane, aspirations terrestres et idéal spirituel. On y retrouve la fine fleur de la chevalerie arthurienne dans le dédale des aventures du Graal. Mais de Perceval, Gauvain, Palamède, Lancelot ou son fils Galaad, qui remportera la compétition chevaleresque ultime ? Qui méritera le titre de meilleur chevalier du monde ? Dans un univers d’aventures foisonnantes, la Demanda réserve une place de choix au merveilleux avec la bête aboyeuse, les apparitions du Saint Graal et bien d’autres mystères. Elle cultive avec délectation l’art labyrinthique des romans de quête chevaleresque qui fascinaient tant Don Quichotte. La Demanda castillane est sans doute la dernière expression poétique d’une chevalerie médiévale flamboyante.

Tone the Bell Easy
ISBN: 0585276293 0870740458 Year: 1932 Publisher: University of North Texas Press

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Myth : A Symposium
ISBN: 0253048583 Year: 1980 Publisher: Indiana University Press

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Myth and Language explores the less universally accepted supposition that, particularly for the realm of literature, these two domains are necessarily interrelated. . . . Unlike previous studies of symbiosis, which have tended to neglect the importance of language, Myth and Language fully considers the influence of social context on the nature of literary language. Albert Cook begins his investigation into the relationship of myth and language with a critique of Levi-Strauss. . . .Another section traces the redefinition of the relationship of myth and language from the oral Greek culture of Homer to the development of the discrete forms of lyric poetry, philosophy, and historiography. A final section examines the necessary reliance of elementary literary forms–proverb, riddle, parable, metaphor–on the translation of mythic concerns into language. This book is a cogent argument for the dependence of literary expression on mythic formulations.

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